The Broken Arrow Voice

Broken Arrow, Oklahoma; Where Opportunity Lives. Find out what is happening in the community from city leaders, charities, churches, and business leaders- Homes for sale, social events, politics and more.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Voter Registration deadline for February 5 election approaches

For those who want to vote in Oklahoma’s February 5th Presidential Primary and Broken Arrow School Board election, voter registration deadline is January 11th.

If you have moved, you will also need to re-register your new address in order to vote at your new precinct.

VOTER REGISTRATION can be done online at

Or stop by the Chamber office, post office, Tulsa County office, etc to pick up voter registration forms.

The Broken Arrow Area Chamber and the Legislative Committee encourages all of our members and their employees to register to vote, learn about the candidates or issues and then vote smart. Policy decisions made by our state and federal legislators shape the environment in which your company operates every day – and your ability to compete and prosper.

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