The Broken Arrow Voice

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Preventing Water Damage!

Water damage and leaks can be anything from a minor irritation to a major problem. For some homeowners, the damage caused from water leaks may be covered under their homeowner's insurance policy. For others, the cost to repair these damages is out-of-pocket. No one likes to spends lots of money in repairs, therefore preventing damage is the best way help prevent those excess expenses.
  1. Occasionally, check appliances that use water. Check for leaks around hoses, underneath for soft flooring and nearby for evidence of water leaks. When leaving the house, don't leave these appliances running. Disconnect or turn off the water to your washing machine before leaving the house for extended periods of time.
  2. Check sinks, showers/tubs, and toilets for clogs and loose caulking. Also check for soft flooring or water nearby that might indicate a leak.
  3. Check your water heater for rust and for wet spots on the floor.
  4. Make sure your roof is in good condition, all soffits and vents allow for good air flow, there isn't any debris on the roof or guttering, and there is no evidence of bent, missing or damaged shingles.
  5. During warmer weather, have your A/C unit serviced to ensure that it is in good working order.
  6. Check all caulking and paint on the exterior of your house and around windows and doors.
  7. Prevent water from sitting around the foundation of your home by filling low spots.
  8. If you suspect a leak that you can't find, turn off all appliances (that use water), faucets and don't flush the toilet. Record your water meter reading at the beginning and ending of an hour. If the number has changed, a leak is possible.
  9. Make sure everyone in the household knows where the water shut-off valve is in case of an emergency. Turning this off while away from home for vacation can also help to prevent damage from leaks.
Remember to keep the above tips in mind to help prevent water damage, however when water damage does occur consult with home maintenance professionals in the Broken Arrow, OK area.

If you have had water damage due to a disaster in the the Broken Arrow, OK area and need an estimate, contact Roger Fisher at 918-641-1111 or

If you live in the Broken Arrow, OK area and need residential repair
(structural, plumbing, flooring), contact Jonathan Knapp of Royal Roofing at 918-621-1020 or

For property drainage solutions and landscaping needs in the Broken Arrow, OK area, call Nathan Vaughn of Bluum Outdoor at 918-599-8500 or

For A/C service or for installation in the Broken Arrow, OK area, contact Stephen Taylor of Air Assurance at 918-258-HEAT or

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