The Broken Arrow Voice

Broken Arrow, Oklahoma; Where Opportunity Lives. Find out what is happening in the community from city leaders, charities, churches, and business leaders- Homes for sale, social events, politics and more.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Eliminating Autumn Pests from Your Broken Arrow, OK Home

Many insects find their way into our Broken Arrow, Oklahoma homes during this time of year. They come in through crevices and cracks in roof flashing, siding, trim, vents, and any other way they can. Once they are inside the walls and structural areas of our homes they can be very hard to exterminate. When the weather warms up they will often come inside through light fixture openings, vents, light switches, and fireplaces. To help eliminate pest problems in the Spring, follow these simple steps:

  1. Walk around your home, inside and out. Look for any cracks, crevices, and missing caulk in your siding, doors, and windows.
  2. Look around for holes in drywall.
  3. Check your roof for loose roof flashing and shingles. For a thorough inspection, call a Tulsa, OK roofing company.
  4. Basically look for any little areas of your home where pests can enter.

For Broken Arrow, OK pest control, call M.E.- Duane Montgomery of Montgomery Exterminating at 918-438-4885 or

For a Broken Arrow, OK roofing services, call Judy Smith of A-Best Roofing at 918-587-1426 or

For help with all your Broken Arrow, OK real estate needs call Darryl Baskin, McGraw Realtors, 918-258-2600 or

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