The Broken Arrow Voice

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Are There Bugs in Your Bed??

Okay. I know you are probably saying "Bugs in my bed? There are no bugs in my bed!" Actually, there are. There are two types of bugs that you are likely to find in your bed: Bed Bugs and Dust Mites. Dust Mites are microscopic bugs that eat dead skin cells that are shed from humans and animals. They can be found in lots of places, but are especially prevalent on mattresses, frequently used furniture, and carpeted areas. Humans slough off 1/3 (or 10 grams) of dead skin a week and cats and dogs produce even more. More than 100,000 can be on your mattress and in one square yard of carpeting. Many of us can actually be allergic to dust mites and their feces, which is a large component of dust.

Some of us might also discover
Bed Bugs. Exterminating Bedbugs can be a difficult task. If you don't treat them they will move through the walls into another persons apartment or condominium (if you have shared walls). These bugs can come from buying things 2nd hand, letting someone spend the night in your home, using someone else's moving equipment plus many other ways. Bed bugs need a blood host- people or animals. They will usually be within 15 feet of a blood host and it only takes them 5 minutes to travel that far. They can sense our carbon dioxide when we exhale. When the population starts to get big, they become a part of your clothing. If you are trying to get rid of bedbugs, wash clothes and everything you can, weekly. They will be in mattresses and many other things. If you start to get bites or look like you have a rash, you might have bedbugs. They look like a tick but are smaller.

I know you're probably saying "That's enough, tell me how to get rid of the nasty things!"

We can't completely get rid of dust mites, here are some ways to reduce dust and Dust Mites in your home:

  • Cover your mattress with a plastic cover or mattress cover made exclusively for reducing dust mites.
  • Use Hardwood Flooring instead of carpeting since it is easier to reduce and clean dust from hard surfaces.
  • Clean regularly. Wash your sheets and blankets at least once every two weeks and clean areas where they are likely to be every week.
  • Reduce fabrics on your furniture by purchasing leather furniture, which is less inviting to Dust Mites.
  • Use quality air filters and replace them often in order to reduce dust and allergens in your home.
To treat for Bed Bugs treatments are completely different. We don't use heat, we use pesticides to treat for Bed Bugs. Treatments range from $500-1000.

For all your Broken Arrow pest control needs, contact Mother Natures, 918-362-2000 or

For more information about hardwood flooring options in the Broken Arrow, OK. area, contact Jim Ecrette of ProSource Wholesale Floorcoverings at 918-252-7711 or (Don't forget to ask for Darryl Baskin's flooring discount!)

To purchase quality air filters contact Rick Butefish of Filters 4 Me at 918-292-8600 or

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